Monday 2 September 2013

5 Surprising Ways to Get Rid of Morning Breath for Good

If you are tired of dealing with morning breath and you want to do something about it, here are some steps you can take to eliminate it.  One thing you should do is clean your mouth thoroughly before going to bed and this includes brushing your teeth and tongue, flossing and rinsing your mouth with a strong antiseptic mouthwash. When you do this you get rid of the germs that cause morning breath. Another idea is to drink some fluids at night such as water and herbal teas because this reduces the travel of germs through your mouth that lead to morning breath. If you enjoy chewing gum, look for gum that has the sugar substitute Xylitol because this ingredient destroys the bacteria that causes morning breath.

1. Go a Few Hours Without Garlic and Onions

If you had foods that contained a lot of garlic, spices and onions the night before, then this could be why you have morning breath. You want to stay away from foods that have these vegetables at least five hours before bedtime and if you still decide to eat garlic and onion late in the evening, you should brush your teeth and tongue and floss for at least fifteen minutes. Once you do this you should rinse your mouth and gargle at least three times with mouthwash.

2. Consider The Side Effects of Your Medications

Depending on the medicine you take, some medicines include bad breath and oral hygiene so if you feel this is the reason why you have constant morning breath, talk with the doctor who prescribed the medicines. Also bring the situation up to the dentist during the dental exam and he may offer other tips on curing bad breath.

3. Get An Overall Physical Check-up

Sometimes you may need to get a physical check-up if you tried all of the above mentioned tips to get rid of your morning breath but are not working. Some people develop chronic bad breath as the result of an undiagnosed illness so when you visit the doctor for the checkup, tell him about your struggles to get rid of the bad breath.

4. Cut Back on Coffee, Smoking and Alcohol

These three things are harmful to oral health and they also lead to bad morning breath. If you struggle to quit smoking, there are anti-smoking products at the drugstore that are effective in helping you kick the habit. As for coffee and alcoholic beverages, you can drink these in moderation but after you drink them you need to clean your mouth well before going to bed.

5. Conclusion

Morning breath is annoying to those around you and it is unpleasant for you but if you take steps to prevent it in the first place the night before, you will have fresher breath the next day. If you need to hurry somewhere in the morning and are not able to brush and floss, grab some strong mints and a travel-size bottle of mouthwash with you