Thursday 29 August 2013

7 Ways to Make your Hair Smell Amazing

As you know, scent is one of the strongest senses that we have and it is something that brings about the most memories. Having a signature scent in your hair or on your body makes a huge impact on the attraction toward you and other people. For some people it’s difficult to keep a good smell in your hair or it seems to fade fairly quickly. There are ways to keep the smell locked in all day.
1. Body Spray on your Hair

Did you know that you can actually put body spray into your hair to make it last longer. You should avoid the roots due to the amount of alcohol that is present in it; a couple of sprays of it will last you all day or all night.
2. Fragrance

If you don’t have any body spray then use a perfume. If you love the smell of the perfume on your skin you should put a little bit in your hair and it will last even longer. Your hair will smell amazing all day and you will receive plenty of compliments from other people.
3. The Right Product

Depending on the type of hair texture that you have, find a product that has an awesome smell to it. Not only will it give you the look that you desire, you will obtain a great smell simultaneously.
4. Scented Shampoo

The easiest way to get a great smell is by using a strong scented shampoo. Get one that works well with your hair type and has a natural scent to it. Avoid any that have harsh colors because of the chemicals and simply go for a clear colored shampoo which smells great.

5. Strong Conditioner

After you have invested in the perfect shampoo try a conditioner that is going to compliment it as well. Let a conditioner soak in your hair for a while so that it sticks. A favorite amongst many is Herbal Essences which smells delicious and is long lasting. 

6. Avoid Heat

After washing your hair avoid blow drying it. This is going to take the scent out of it that was soaked in, during the shower. Avoid straightening it as well because the heat activation can get rid of the scents. This will keep your ends from drying and it will also prevent a burnt smell. 

7. Try a Dry Wash

If you’re experiencing one of those days that your hair looks bad but you don’t want to wash it, try a dry shampoo. You can also put some baby powder on your scalp if it’s really oily. This is going to soak up those oils and dry it out. It will also contribute to a fresh smell as if you did take a shower.

The best thing that you can do is find a fragrance that fits you. Find your favourite smell and find in what form it comes. You can even carry the spray around with you and douse it on you during a lunch break to maintain your scent.